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Are we prepared for bioterrorism?

Are we prepared for bioterrorism threats? Researchers, front line responders and policy-makers gather at UNSW Sydney for simulated smallpox epidemic exercise (SYDNEY, Tuesday 21 August 2018) … more
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Are we prepared for bioterrorism?

Smallpox is spread through the air, and is more than twice as infectious as influenza or Ebola. In the case of a biowarfare event, our modelling shows that without a rapid and coordinated response,… more
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Simulated smallpox pandemic

Simulated smallpox pandemic reveals global preparedness, response challenges Experts determined during a recently completed hypothetical bioterrorism scenario, which imagines a smallpox outbreak… more
three people sitting at a park

Ask The Doctor, Episode 10 Cold and Flu

Episode 10 Cold and Flu In this episode, we're helping you to fight off colds & flu. Dr Sandro reveals which home remedies work & which ones don't. Dr Shalin finds out what the difference is… more
Healthcare workers checking temperatures in flight

Panorama Swine Flu Everything You Need To Know

Panorama - Swine Flu Everything You Need To Know. Commonly known as swine flu, where did the H1N1 virus come from and what are the symptoms? Prof Raina MacIntyre, Head of School Biosecurity Program… more
A woman wearing mask

Preparing For Flu Season

2018 marks 100 years since the 1918 influenza pandemic, which claimed as many as 50 million lives. UNSW's Prof. Raina MacIntyre speaks with us about it as well as the upcoming flu season. #Studio10… more